simple is beautiful
Fashion Orgasm: 2007
2 ... 2 ...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


M.I.A for Marc by Marc Jacobs. Juergen Teller makes her look a bit too shleppy and a bit stout , but nonetheless I love M.I.A. Such is the cool precursor to the Victoria Beckham MJ ads, which I'm anticipating with mixture of gasp and blaaurgh.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Did you know,

Everyone's favorite fashion anomaly Kristen McMenamy has naturally gray hair, as shown at the Givenchy show this spring; she had been dyeing it since she was 18.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Marc Jacobs Hates Camel Toe

Marc's been a polar bear, a pig, pigeon, a bottle of ketchup, a smurf, and now, a camel toe.
As the image slowly loaded, I initially thought Marc dressed as a whole other extremity.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Meghan Collison

Meghan Collison is everywhere nowadays. As the cliched model discoveries go, she was discovered at a local mall, signed with Supreme, and then was catapaulted to Prada ads and Meisel spreads etc. etc. She's totally the blunt-bang alternative to the Irinas inundating the runways.

Squint your eyes and she looks just like Selma Blair on the cover of Vogue Italia.


Saturday, December 8, 2007


Vogue Italia takes an acid trip through the Spring 08 psychedelic flower trend with models Meghan Collison, Kinga Rajzak, Lara Stone, Hanne-Gaby Odiele, and Maryna Linchuk. Just another reason to get that tatoo you've always wanted. All over your legs, John Galliano style.

photos- fashion addict diary

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Sex and the Shitty Trailer

The Sex and the City trailer says nothing at all, yet shows everything the movie's about. Literally, it just shows a couple flashes of random scenes; hopefully this quickie of a preview is a teaser trailer cause I will fork over ten bucks to see this in theaters. I guess that the producers don't want to give away too much of the plot, but still at least give us the gist of it. I assume SATC fans will piss themselves with joy at the sight of Carrie and her ginormous flower; the haters will wish to asphyxiate Carrie with her ginormous flower. Either way, so far, I deduced the plot consists of Carrie spinning around in a wedding dress, Carrie putting away shoes in her skivvies, a Big kiss, and Charlotte dressed as MIA.

Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?


Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Kate Moss Retrospective

Truth be told, the ever-present mug of Kate Moss is quite sickening, but I am quite fascinated by the gradual changes in her magazine covers. She may be an overrated Topshop hussy with a bit of a lazy eye and a penchant for coke and shitty men, but I have to admit, she's has come a long way. Here depicted is a few of her covers, dating all the way back to 1992.

Starting to perfect that lazy eye...

Fun Fact: The mom of this one girl in my class is bffs with Sarah Doukas- the head of Storm Models, who discovered Moss. 6 degrees of separation...

Monday, December 3, 2007

The many faces of Catherine McNeil

Intensity, profile, and ridiculous faux-gasping, by Catherine McNeil. Maybe she's trying to dissuade the critics that she does have variation in the face! These photos were taken for V Magazine's Model Diaries, McNeil blogs a day in her life, shooting in LA with Mario Testino. For serious, these photos really are the epitome of Myspace; for example, the "surprise!" look (above),
the obligatory sunglasses shot (3 of them!)
the I-just-came-out-of-the-shower-nonchalantly-and-look-gorgeous-without-makeup-so-there-bitch shot
and finally, the priceless mirror shot, complete with the flash on. I really spend too much time on Myspace, bluuaggh.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Jonesing for Gainsbourg...

The much anticipated French Vogue edited by Charlotte Gainsbourg has come out!!! (Apologies for the overtly giddy exclamation points; I can't help myself.) The feature editorial, "La Science du Rêve", shot by Craig McDean, is quite the provocateur. Hello, stockings + fugly yet hot prada pumps+ Gainsbourg = GENIUS.

I'm so fashionorgasming for an issue that I'm willing and ready to obtain one at that one crime-ravaged magazine shoppe with all those robbery-homicides! What an obituary that would be: shot whilst jonesing for an issue of French Vogue.


Friday, November 30, 2007

Katie Wintour

Katie's new hair just upped her bitch factor by at least 30%.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Versace Hair

One of the things I've wanted forever: Versace hair. It's all about the lush, flowy, italian sex machine look that I spent way too much time striving for. Sadly my attempts are futile, no matter how many darned 3-inch Conair rollers I stick in my head, I just end up with a bad case of frizz and shizz. I remember as a dim-witted adolescent, I listened to Seventeen magazine and used a toilet paper roll and foil as DIY rollers, and I just looked a fool. Clearly, the depths of desperation is Seventeen magazine hair advice. My only solution is incessantly flipping my head up and down, like a maniacal narcissist. So, reader, what are your hair issues, if any?

I can't do this^

Friday, November 23, 2007

The names behind the faces...

Contemplative. Seductive. Lazyeyed. Such are the some of the descriptions of Shopbop models. The blank stares of Shopbop models lure customers in and finally, fashionista puts names behind those faces we love/hate.

PENSIVE! The redhead notorious for her glazed expression is Elena with Elite Chicago.
SULTRY! Iskra, from Elite Chicago. Evidently, she is teeming with excitement!

INTENSITY. Le Call is also with Elite Chicago, in her 30s, and is dating Owen Wilson.

Photos- Shopbop